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Old 07-24-2018, 07:18 PM
orwell84 orwell84 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2017
Location: Northern NY
Posts: 31

I think the problem comes down to the square patch I welded to repair one of the holes. It creates a low spot that I can't move or stretch enough to keep it within the contour of the rest of the panel. That patch seems to be the trigger point where the panel yields and creates the oil can. I can reduce the oil can quite a bit, but never get rid of it entirely. I have tried stretching the patch, bumping it out , pulling it out with a stud gun and stretching the weld points with a pick hammer on dolly, work the metal up around it.

There's a great thread somewhere on making patches with a radius cut on the corners and an explanation of what happens when you weld in a square patch. Unless you are patching a shipping container or dumpster...just don't.

I bet there are numerous threads about why you should not weld a patch in the dead centre of a low crowned panel.

Live and learn, but I'm at a dead end with this door.
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